Brittany Harthan

Brittany is an educator and maker who has used her crafts over the years to create space to understand and embrace her perspective, individuality and connect with others.

She has had a long-standing relationship with photography for over a decade. Her love for floral art and design, resin, carpentry, welding/fabrication (shout out to Chicago Women in Trades), plant work, and generally trying to make something out of (close to) nothing helps her tap into her creativity.

She is a neurodivergent and highly sensitive individual who has become flexible in her pulls into different forms of making throughout the years. She believes in using art and human practices to build on one another and that they are one of the same. She has grown as an artist by embracing imperfections through her own experience and believes that everyone is capable of finding the creative outlets that serve them through trial and error.

Check out Brittany’s work here