Mariana Rockwell

Mariana is a visual artist and Dj, originally from Rogers Park, Chicago.  Her work is an exploration in understanding how our physical environments, and our own subconscious landscapes often replicate each other.   She is interested in understanding how memory and place are deeply interconnected and integral to understanding our patterns of behavior, both on the day to day and on a multigenerational scale. 

 This subject matter became of interest to her at a young age, when there were frequent visits between urban Chicago, and rural Michigan and Iowa.  Exploring the imagery and symbolism that exist in these physical, familiar places, she has been able to better make sense of the gardens, alley ways, cluttered bedrooms, barred windows,  and acres of unkept farm land that exist in her head too. 

Mariana lives on the south side of Chicago, has a deep appreciation for her eyesight and hearing- so she can walk around every day, look at cool shit and listen to music. 

See more of Mariana’s work on instagram